Everyday, I wake up and the first thing I do, or at least try to do before reaching over to my iPhone (-___-), is to THANK GOD for simply allowing me to open my eyes. As soon as I’m done with prayer, my routine to doll myself up begins. In order to dress up for the day, I always begin from bottom to top. Yes, that implies that my SHOES will determine the rest of my outfit. From there, I work my way up and TA DAAA…I look like the picture above. Okay, minus the face haha Anyway, the other day i came across a quote that really struck me and I must put my two cents. It read:
Before you put on clothes, slide into heels, spray perfume or accessorize to step into the world; there is a wardrobe that every woman must first put on…Bathe in forgiveness, dress in self-esteem, adorn yourself, with praise and slip into joy. When you are full clothed in self-love, you are ALWAYS in Fashion. -Sharon Rainey
Can I get an AMEN?! I could not agree more with Rainey’s beautiful words. You see, behind my love for fashion, trends, clothes, SHOES, and that entire fabulous world, I have an even BIGGER love for God. For Him, I am willing to do and work twice as hard to be an even better person than the day before. I’ve learned that without God, I am only an empty soul in pretty clothes. I mean just picture it, you’re a sales associate at your retail store. You see a very beautiful girl come into the store, you greet her and she is utterly rude. Not even a smile of acknowledgement to your greeting. What do you think your instant reaction would be? I know from experience that I no longer think she’s beautiful. Her exterior? Yes! She has my vote but I’m the kind of person that looks for the heart. Maybe she was just having a bad day…but what if she’s just plain and simple always like that? What is she always had a negative outlook, criticized everyone’s flaws and didn’t care about anyone’s feelings?
You see, you can be the most beautiful person in the world, with the most money, the hottest car, biggest home and the most exclusive parties but if you don’t have a humble, loving soul…you’re pretty much alone. Through God and a daily bible dosage, it has been proven to myself that no amount of clothes or shoes, diamond rings or money will ever make me a beautiful person. Through Him, I have learned to carry patience and forgiveness. I have learned to speak the truth and walk away from situations that will bring out the worst in me. I have learned to be careful with my words, for no matter how much I think I am right, the real truth is that I’m wrong and I could hurt someone with my actions. Through Him, I am a better human being everyday. Grant it, I’ve never really been a person who didn’t care or wished the worst unto others but I know that through all my hardships, I’ve been able to sustain myself even better with God’s love. He’s taught me that no situation is ever too painful to give up on the world and feel like I NOW have a reason to hate. On the contrary, He has taught me that through prayer, hard work, dedication, and patience, all my hearts desires will be granted. That there’s hope to a brighter tomorrow…in everyone and for everyone.
So yes, I own pretty clothes, some of the “hottest” shoes and bold pieces to stand me out from the bunch but TRUST ME when I say this, there’s more to life than a materialistic world. My love for fashion is NOT a facade because I am truly passionate about it and love dressing up. Expressing myself through clothes brings out art within me BUT, there’s more to me than the latest trends. Within me, my true heart lies. I am woman of faith. A woman of love, FORGIVENESS, joy, humility, compassion and wisdom. I am a woman who hopes for the future and is ready to leave a dent in people’s hearts. I am a woman who will strive to make a difference in this world and help those with no voice. I AM A WOMAN CLOTHED IN VALUES AND GUIDED BY THE KING OF SELFLESS LOVE!
xoxo, Maria