Friday, October 19, 2012

Falling in Love

"Love: A profoundly, intense, tender, passionate feeling of deep affection for another person….”

——-I’ve been in love once in my life with the only person I have ever been in a relationship with. How it happened, I don’t know. I can’t even explain the order of how everything came about. One minute he was just another funny classmate in high school fooling around, making jokes and being a 17 year old kid…and the next minute, he had become my best friend whom I shared absolutely everything with, unconditionally. Every secret, every uncertainty, my fears, ambitions, dreams, laughter, passions and worries. Everything was out on the table. No secrets, no lies. Life was a bliss.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Keep Digging

I came across this captivating and BEAUTIFUL picture on Instagram a few months back, which highlighted such a powerful message that I just could NOT hold back from featuring it here on my Tumblr page.

As some of you may, or may not know, I am an undocumented student & inhabitant of this country. However, don’t let the word “undocumented” fool you. Despite having my own share of bad experiences and hard times, I know that at the end of the day, my life has been spared more than a million times. My life is a blessing with all the ups AND the downs. I canNOT complain…even though I have, about how my life has turned out because everything has been for the best and this picture right here, has been thee most perfect example of it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Everyday, I wake up and the first thing I do, or at least try to do before reaching over to my iPhone (-___-), is to THANK GOD for simply allowing me to open my eyes. As soon as I’m done with prayer, my routine to doll myself up begins. In order to dress up for the day, I always begin from bottom to top. Yes, that implies that my SHOES will determine the rest of my outfit. From there, I work my way up and TA DAAA…I look like the picture above. Okay, minus the face haha Anyway, the other day i came across a quote that really struck me and I must put my two cents. It read:

Before you put on clothes, slide into heels, spray perfume or accessorize to step into the world; there is a wardrobe that every woman must first put on…Bathe in forgiveness, dress in self-esteem, adorn yourself, with praise and slip into joy. When you are full clothed in self-love, you are ALWAYS in Fashion. -Sharon Rainey

Can I get an AMEN?! I could not agree more with Rainey’s beautiful words. You see, behind my love for fashion, trends, clothes, SHOES, and that entire fabulous world, I have an even BIGGER love for God. For Him, I am willing to do and work twice as hard to be an even better person than the day before. I’ve learned that without God, I am only an empty soul in pretty clothes. I mean just picture it, you’re a sales associate at your retail store. You see a very beautiful girl come into the store, you greet her and she is utterly rude. Not even a smile of acknowledgement to your greeting. What do you think your instant reaction would be? I know from experience that I no longer think she’s beautiful. Her exterior? Yes! She has my vote but I’m the kind of person that looks for the heart. Maybe she was just having a bad day…but what if she’s just plain and simple always like that? What is she always had a negative outlook, criticized everyone’s flaws and didn’t care about anyone’s feelings?

You see, you can be the most beautiful person in the world, with the most money, the hottest car, biggest home and the most exclusive parties but if you don’t have a humble, loving soul…you’re pretty much alone. Through God and a daily bible dosage, it has been proven to myself that no amount of clothes or shoes, diamond rings or money will ever make me a beautiful person. Through Him, I have learned to carry patience and forgiveness. I have learned to speak the truth and walk away from situations that will bring out the worst in me. I have learned to be careful with my words, for no matter how much I think I am right, the real truth is that I’m wrong and I could hurt someone with my actions. Through Him, I am a better human being everyday. Grant it, I’ve never really been a person who didn’t care or wished the worst unto others but I know that through all my hardships, I’ve been able to sustain myself even better with God’s love. He’s taught me that no situation is ever too painful to give up on the world and feel like I NOW have a reason to hate. On the contrary, He has taught me that through prayer, hard work, dedication, and patience, all my hearts desires will be granted. That there’s hope to a brighter tomorrow…in everyone and for everyone.

So yes, I own pretty clothes, some of the “hottest” shoes and bold pieces to stand me out from the bunch but TRUST ME when I say this, there’s more to life than a materialistic world. My love for fashion is NOT a facade because I am truly passionate about it and love dressing up. Expressing myself through clothes brings out art within me BUT, there’s more to me than the latest trends. Within me, my true heart lies. I am woman of faith. A woman of love, FORGIVENESS, joy, humility, compassion and wisdom. I am a woman who hopes for the future and is ready to leave a dent in people’s hearts. I am a woman who will strive to make a difference in this world and help those with no voice. I AM A WOMAN CLOTHED IN VALUES AND GUIDED BY THE KING OF SELFLESS LOVE!

xoxo, Maria

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The One On A Sunday

After Sunday mass at my church, I headed over to a few local vintage shops on a hunt to find inspiration and if I was lucky, goodies for myself. Although I didn’t find any instant grabs to add to my closet, I did however come across LOVE.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Where there is a will, there is ALWAYS a way!

NO ONE…absolutely NO ONE is EVER beyond God’s reach. If you’re seeking for a new life, a new spirit, a new way of living, know that it is NEVER too late for you to change. It won’t be easy but where there’s a will, there is ALWAYS a way. Never give up. Fight for your dreams. Change what you don’t like and find that new heart within you. You may stumble through a few rocks and sometimes cross through storms…but just know, that at the end of that road, the Good Life awaits <3

XOXO, Maria

Friday, June 29, 2012

"A calm, peaceful mind & heart are the life & health of the body…BUT envy, jealousy & anger rot the bones." -Proverbs 14:30 ❤

This is the book I talked to you guys in my previous post. Hope you guys enjoy it! You wont regret it, I PROMISE!! Happy Reading! Message me privately or leave me comments about your thoughts on the book. It’s AMAZING! I guarantee a happier and more freeing life :)


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Let Go & Let God :)

I’ve been reading an AMAZING book, in my opinion, and therefore wanted to share the main concept of it. Please take this advice and pick it up as a longtime lifestyle, “Do Yourself A Favor, FORGIVE” ♥ We’ve all been hurt and have had people in our lives where they do us wrong, BUT honestly, what good is it to hold a grudge? To hold hate in our hearts for days, months or even years, when the person who hurt you in the first place has moved on? Nope, there’s no point at all.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Take a walk in my shoes, you just might fall in love with what you see :) ❤


Thursday, April 26, 2012

"There are no real friends, just good company." -Someone

Someone once told me that there are no real friends and there was a point in my life where I almost believed it. However, I’m here to say that is NOT true. Anyone who believes there are no real friends is also saying that THEY, themselves aren’t good friends. Now, I don’t know about you guys but I’m a GREAT friend. As a friend, I look out for the best of those I love the most. I would NEVER be jealous in a hateful way but instead be wholeheartedly happy. I’m a very caring, giving and unselfish person. So let me just say, THERE ARE REAL FRIENDS IN THIS WORLD…and the first one can begin with YOU. If you’re a good person, then you already are a REAL friend.



When we think of regret, we think negatively. We look at “regret” as something that should have never happened. I don’t blame you because that’s just precisely the definition of it.


  • Feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over something that has happened or been done.

  • Express disappointment for something unfortunate or unpleasant.   

HOWEVER, regret isn’t so negative as how standard dictionaries define it. In other words, regret can be good. Being able to regret something can be a lifetime instruction of what NOT to repeat ever again.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Somewhere down the road, you have to find someone who will not only stand beside you for a picture but is also willing to run right behind you through a storm…Through the good and the bad.



Saturday, March 24, 2012

So remember how I told you guys I found this canvas while out shopping a few days ago? Well I bumped into it again yesterday and knew it was a sign. I HAD TO GET IT. So I bought it and it’s sitting in my room waiting to be hung. I’m a hopeless romantic and when I love, I LOVE DEEP. So this frame is my sign of hope that TRUE LOVE EXISTS. It’s out there somewhere guys…NEVER GIVE UP ON LOVE BECAUSE LOVE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIFT GOD COULD EVER GIVE YOU!!!

LOVE is… 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Found this canvas at Ross last night…makes me think of the love of my life :) This is definitely going to be US one day when we’re in Italy <3

Friday, March 16, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Meet my HANDSOME puppy Prince
I’m NOT kidding when I say this, but when I first laid eyes on this dog at a dollar store, it was LOVE at first sight. I knew this had to be my first dog. From day one, he has been the biggest BLESSING because he always knows how to make me smile. It’s true when they say that a dog is man’s best friend. I can be gone for hours and leave him all alone at home, but as soon as he see’s me walk through that door, he greets me like I was the queen of the world. All I ever receive from him is LOVE, unconditional love. Everyday I tell him that he’s my little man and the only man who will never break my heart :) Then he licks me as if he was telling me that I was right lol YESS…I’M ONE OF THOSE THAT TALKS TO HER DOG!!!


Sick BIG Kids running shoes. The colorway seems to be 80’s inspired and I am IN LOVE with it!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

With this man, I’ve learned that TRUE LOVE is patient. It is not easily angered and keeps no record of the wrongs. My love for him will NEVER fail because it bears all things, hopes all things and ENDURES all things. He knows my love for him is UNCONDITIONAL

Sunday, March 11, 2012

my SOLEmate

CakeCakeCake ;)


He’s my SOLEmate


Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I am an HONEST WOMAN and because of that, I FEAR NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! If I fall seven times, you know what I do? I STAND UP EIGHT. God is with me. He will never forsake me…or anyone.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Everybody, meet the REAL stairMASTER!!!!! You do this once and you will feel the heavy breathing kicking in. You do this x10 and you will be yelling out “BURN BABY, BURN!” haha

Seriously guys, not even a gym membership could ever give you the satisfaction and BEAUTY of using nature’s resource’s to get back in shape. This is coming from a girl who use to hit the gym everyday and grew bored of it. That’s just my opinion.


Let's talk...Hypocrisy

In this world, we have all been “hypocrites” at one point in our lives. We’ve talked shit and later contradicted our own words with actions. That’s life and the beauty of it all, is the FREEWILL we have to make choices TO CHANGE. We can change who we are, what we don’t like, make or at least try, to make amends for mistakes and start anew. So maybe we’re not hypocritical after all. Maybe we just learn to grow up and realize what is worth fighting for, what is worth our time. We just learn to do the right thing.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Space Jams: The laws of gravity undefined?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Js are my newly found hobby but at the end of the day, I will ALWAYS be a girly fashionista lover!!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FACT: It’s a good feeling when you come across a blog with your own picture and along comes a combination of likes & reblogs for the 7,680 time!!!!!! Followers, YOU ARE AMAZING <3

After a quick trip to the Beverly Center, we stayed in for a Redbox movie night. Seriously, I am currently addicted to Redbox…and chocolate covered raisins. Anyway, sticking to tonight. We cuddled on the couch with popcorn and icea tea to enjoy “The Change Up”. Pretty funny movie and overall, another AMAZING day with the love of my life :) Definitely ended February on a good note.

Here’s a picture of me wearing his shoes. The picture doesn’t justify the size difference but I’m a kids size 4 when it comes to Js and hes’ a size 12. You know what they say about big feet….BIG SOCKS!!!!! Happy Leap Day & Happy Last day of FEB 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Growing up, I hated running class. NOW…Running is my BREATHER :)

Dear Husband,

I don’t know who you are or where you are…or maybe I do know or at least I hope so. Despite that, I write to you today in hopes to show you one day, that at this very moment in time, I was thinking and dreaming of you. I’m patiently waiting to spend the rest of my life with you, to be your best friend and greatest supporter. Just know that I’m preparing myself to be the woman you need. I will be the one to stand by the sidelines cheering you on for success and will also be ready to stand right behind you, to help you get back up if you happen to fall. I’ve geared up with patience, LOVE, kisses, back rubs, surprises, laughter, FAITH, kindness, forgiveness, positive attitude and EXTRA love for those little fights or BIG, that we may have.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Salty Magazine

Breaking out the Concords :) & ABSOLUTELY LOVIN’ my new tee from Salty

"Beauty is in the Eye of the Creator" -Salty Mag

Walked into a coffee shop one day and found this…ENOUGH SAID

Happy Saturday!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Obviously, I can’t sleep right now. My mind is going on and on, running through life and it can’t seems to stop. I feel a bit of sadness and reading this is helping my tears from falling down even more. I don’t like it when my heart feels like this but I’ve had this tendency from a very young age. I cry for no reason sometimes. Is that weird? I don’t know if it’s my subconscious releasing my unknown emotions, stress and what not but I use to cry once a week. It was a routine. Out of no where, I had the urge to cry. Now, for the past 2 years, my heart has build a shield of steel. It doesn’t happen often but when it does, the tears definitely fall. Anyway, one day, I woke up to this cute little note from my boyfriend. It felt good to know that at 3 a.m., he took the time to write to ME & no one else this sweet note. So now, whenever I feel like crying or am crying, I go through little notes like these to remind me that I’m NOT alone. That I have someone right on this earth, behind me, ready to catch me because HE loves me. What can I say? I have fallen deeply in love with this man and no one will ever change that. He is my rock. Without him, my life would be incomplete. We’ve been through so much that he’s become my best friend. I love him to death. If it were up to me, I would have him with me 24/7 starting the moment I realized that I was IN LOVE with him. They say you never forget your first love, well let me tell you…If he doesn’t end up with me in the long run, he has forever left his fingerprints on my heart  


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My puppy Prince at 3 months :)

Lent: 40 days to WHAT!?

It’s that time of the year again, well if you’re Catholic anyway. It’s Lent, better known as 40 days to “give up” a pleasure or habit. Nonetheless, I want to clarify as to what Lent is meant to be or at least to me. Everyone who participates during lent, Catholic or not (I don’t understand why you would partake in lent if you’re not Catholic haha but its okay) for 40 days and 40 nights gives up something to what we call “bettering ourselves”. HOWEVER, lent is a time of reflection. It is a time period where, for 40 days, you acknowledge and look for a new way to approach life as a whole.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Somewhere down the road, you have to find someone who will not only stand beside you for a picture but is also willing to run right behind you through a storm…Through the good and the bad.

We don’t only have matching Js but matching running shoes too <3

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sharing a little bit of me…

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love NEVER fails.

-1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Happy Valentines Day!

xoxo, MariaLA

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Relationships are NOT perfect!!!

Relationships AREN’T perfect…EVER! Even if they seem like it, they’re not. Often my relationship is complimented and I EMBRACE IT because I love my boyfriend to INFINITY & BEYOND. However, I have to admit that we’ve had our episodes of downs. Our lives aren’t perfect and we are only human. Choices are made, responsibilities are taken and consequences are in effect. At the end of the day, I believe that because we have gone through everything that was meant to break us apart, we came out even STRONGER than before. We didn’t give up on each other or our relationship when we went through hard times. Grant it, sometimes giving up is the easiest thing to do, but is it worth giving up love? I don’t think so. REMEMBER: The keys to good relationships are TRUE LOVE, attention, PATIENCE, affection, HONESTY, FRIENDSHIP, LOYALTY, RESPECT, FORGIVENESS, trUSt and most importantly, EFFORT to fight any and all battles thrown at you BOTH. If you love each other, don’t give up. People are NOT perfect. When it comes to my boyfriend and I, it’s in our nature to make wrong choices, right choices, mistakes and amends. The only perfect thing about us is our love being able to stand STRONGER after hard falls

Monday, January 23, 2012

He might buy me Js, take me on dates, pay for dinners, surprise me with gifts and spend, spend, SPEND…BUT at the end of the day, it’s “little” & simple things like this that make me fall more in love with him. I take this over any shoes, ANY DAY! He’s my all and I love his heart. I’m a sucker for him :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

i LOVE these babies! :) …No, I am NOT naked lol

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How will you ask you special someone to be your Valentine this 2012? Here’s what I created last year.  A PUZZLE! It definitely looks WAY BETTER in person. The letters are the initials to our names in the shape and style of WU-TANG’s Logo…stating the obvious. My boyfriend back in high school, when he was crushing on me, made pictures of us with the matching logo for our names, which is why I made it my main design for the puzzle. Edward + Maria

Yes, I know that there are websites and store where I can have the puzzle made so it looks like a real puzzle BUT, I wanted to show my effort. I personally think it means a lot more when you make things and take the time to put in love. After all, if you love your better half, you’d be willing to walk the extra mile right?

Be Mine?

A year holds 365 days and out of those 365, one day is reserved for LOVE. Grant it, you shouldn’t have to wait till February 14th to show your affection and appreciation to those you love. That should be done everyday, every second and every moment you can because truth be told, we don’t know how long any of us will last in this world. But that’s a whole other topic on life’s agenda. Sticking to LOVE… I’m the type of girl that loves cheesy and corny moments. In others words, I’m a sucker for romance. So indeed, Valentines Day is a day that I like to go all out.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

There is Always A Time for Everything

Happiness is believing that everything you go through is happening at the right time, for the right reasons because God, whether you believe in Him or not, will ALWAYS have your back. You are never left alone. Seek him. Pray to Him. He put you through this & He will get you through it :)