Monday, November 18, 2013

Leather, Prints & Knits

Hola mis amores! It’s been quite a couple of days since my last post. I recently started a brand new job and now I work Monday through Friday from 8am-5:30 pm. Hence why I can no longer post OOTD throughout the weekday…well, I can but by the time I’m off, it’s dark, cold and all I want to do is head home to cuddle in bed. So, you’re the first to know that you can look forward to my posts on Saturdays and Sundays. Hip hip HOORAY for the weekends!! :) So let’s begin with yesterday’s outfit adventure… <3

So yesterday morning, I woke up in a bit of a rush. I wanted to slip on anything that didn’t take much effort. The weather was nice and warm, so I knew I could get away with a skirt. I decided to wear this skirt because it reminds me of fall for two reasons. #1 It’s knitted and #2 It’s in a burgundy “wine” color, which happens to be a favorite of mine during the fall.

The knitted skirt is a perfect piece to own here in Los Angeles because it screams out Fall but at the same time, you can keep cool when you have warm or even HOT autumn days. So, if you’re in L.A., don’t hesitate to search for one…and if you’re from somewhere else in the world, STILL, don’t hesitate to buy one. This skirt looks so cute with nylons and boots ;) Another great style for winter! Moving on, I had literally just washed this striped top and had it laying on my bed that morning. What do you know, perfect match…But still, something was missing to bring out the stripes. What a better choice than this leather vest of mine to compliment not only my shoes but also to give it a grungy look.

What I like about this outfit is that it’s soo ultimately casual and comfy…BUT still trendy….or at least I think so :) haha To finish of the look, I wore two bracelets, one given to me as a birthday gift from my beautiful friend Gabie (GRACIAS GORDIS). I also wore a Marc Jacobs ring that I’ve had for over 7 years and last but not least, my favorite accessory of all, MY SHOES!!! I’ve been obsessing over these puppies for weeks now. You can find them at Lola Shoetique at a very affordable price.

If you’re in L.A., definitely stop by to ANY of the various locations that Lola Shoetique has. Great customer service that you won’t regret.

Hope you like today’s post…tomorrow I’m off work early, so let’s hope I can squeeze in a post. Blessings! Xo-M

Photo Credit: Edward Barrera

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