Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Before I begin this post, let me just say to all the ladies that come here to find outfit inspirations, THANK YOU for choosing me as an outlet to inspire you! It’s a blessing to me to be an option. There’s so many unique styles out in the world and I feel so humbled that I can help inspire at least one of you. So thank you my lovies! You have no idea how happy it makes me feel to be able to help.

                      Romper: Bubbles Boutique
                      Oxfords: Cole Haan
                      Denim Jacket: H&M

Lately, I’ve noticed that I’ve secretly been having a love affair with denim…at least my recent outfits of the day prove that. Have you noticed? I know I did just NOW especially with this denim jacket that I bought at H&M online. It was on sale, originally priced at 30 something dollars. I however paid $15. Quiet frankly an AMAZING investment because it’s a year round staple. I’ve worn and re-worn this jacket a million times and I can’t stop. It’s becoming a go-to for every outfit I wear. So much I think I need to give it a break!

Many of you ladies might have already notice that I tend to own a lot of clothes that have details that are statements within themselves. This romper is a perfect example. The thing that drew my attention towards this outfit was the fabulous and beautiful print. It looks vintage. Very Versace. In specific, it reminds me of the baroque era back in the 1600s where it was first discovered in Rome, Italy (Thank you History 102 for teaching me something). However, when I flipped it around, I totally fell head over heels. I’m a sucker for secret body exposure. It adds that perfect “Oomp” to an outfit that makes people turn heads. This baby had to come home with mama.

Sunday is usually my day off from work. It begins with mass with my family and right after, a day out with my boyfriend. Since I woke up extremely tired this day, for a comfy chic day out, I put on my favorite oxfords. Although very slippery here and there, they are still THE COMFIEST IN THE WORLD! If you ever want to invest good money on a pair of shoes, specifically flat shoes, I suggest Cole Haan! I bow down to this brand…AMAZING!

I know floral prints are the craze for spring but if you’re not much of a flower girl, I suggest trying different prints like this one. You’d be surprised on how much you would actually like it…I know I was! :) By the way, this outfit looks A LOT better with a high bun. I ended up picking my hair up after this shoot and I loved my outfit even more. Oh well! I’ll save the capture of the high bun for our next post ;) Hope you’re having a fabulous Tuesday my darlings! <3 Until our next adventure…!


Photo Credit: Edward Barrera

Sunday, May 18, 2014


With a month and two days left to welcome our Summer Solstice, Los Angeles has been giving us a little preview as to what to expect this Summer 2014. This past week, we were in the high, HIGH 90s. But this girl is NOT complaining one bit. Despite being born in Mexico and coming to the states at 3 years old, I have grown big love for this state! L.A. is HOME and I consider myself a Cali girl with Mexican roots. Which, before I get carried away, I am happy to have been raised here without never, EVER forgetting where I came from. Very proud to be Latina & Mexicana. So naturally, as a Cali girl, I’ve been ADORING this Cali breeze and heat!

                    Dress: Bubbles Boutique
                    Denim Vest: Ross (Last Summer)
                    Shoes: Lola Shoetique (Last Summer)

This past Saturday, my boyfriend & I were on a family reunion. We were all gathering to celebrate one of the many nephews he has. It was his 8th birthday [Happy Birthday Aidan!] So you know what that meant..OUTFIT OF THE DAY! I love playing dress up and even more so when I actually have somewhere to go and socialize! Besides, who doesn’t love kid’s birthday parties? The candy, the games, the bonding, the treats, the cakes & pastries, the memories…let’s not forget the AMAZING FOOD… *drools* It was a good day! :)

When Saturday came around, the temperatures dropped significantly, however, since the birthday party was in Palmdale, CA the weather up there was still bound to be warm….And indeed, Saturay was a warm beautiful day and I felt like embracing this Spring warmth with this beautiful white dress. White was the perfect color to keep me looking chic and keeping my cool. I bought this dress a few days ago and all the lace detailing had me SOLD! The minute I tried it on, I felt like an angel…a goddess! Ugh!! I’m so obsessed you guys. So feminine. So sexy. So chic. So BEAUTIFUL. Best part, you can pull off day & night summer looks!

I’m not going to lie, although I’m more than positive that what I’m wearing is a SHORT dress, I was a little hesitant to buy it because I thought maybe it was a top on account of how short it felt. Thank goodness I own one of those seamless slip-shorts that go underneath dresses/skirts. My slip-shorts have a lace detailing which was perfect for this dress because it complimented the lace on the sides…And voilà! I added a denim jacket to give the look a more casual look and avoid being so bare. I wore my favorite, comfy wedges to add a different tone of color. Hope you enjoyed this post ladies! I’m off to bed because it is already Monday and I have work in a few hours! Wish you all a beautiful start to an AMAZING week! Remember: Your day will be what YOUR attitude decides to embrace & react to! Until our next outfit adventure…ta ta ladies! <3


Photo Credit: Edward Barrera

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Palm Sunday

Hi lovelies! Before I get into my outfit of the day, I want to wish all the momma’s out there a VERY Happy Mother’s Day! Hope you’re having a WONDERFUL & BLESSED day with your loved ones & little ones. Definitely can’t wait to be a mom one day, but for now, I celebrate with you all. Super blessed to have a superhero mom of my own. She’s my Queen & best friend. The one who believes in all my dreams and pushes me to move forward. I can’t thank God enough to have blessed me with a selfless warrior! I LOVE YOU MAMI <3 

For today’s fashion post, I wanted to go for a very casual, L.A. vibe outfit. After mass, I spent the day at my boyfriend’s house to celebrate mama’s day with his side of the family. Don’t worry, I didn’t neglect my mom. We actually celebrated Mother’s Day on May 10 because that’s the official date for us in Mexico…and well since we’re Mexican, we keep that tradition going. Even though she gets showered with love on both days, Mexican & American dates.

With that said, let’s talk FASHION! Lately, I’ve had a huge…HUGE obsession with Palm trees. I think it might be because Summer is right around the corner and well, I do live in Los Angeles, city of a million palms. Lately with our hot & breezy weather, they look like they’re dancing around when the breeze hits them. So beautiful! They truly make me oh so happy! So clearly, with all those emotions, when I saw this top, you can only imagine my excitement.

Another thing I loved about the top was the peplum fit. The print is totally Cali cool and thanks to the peplum fit, I was still able to embrace femininity. So cute!!! Instantly I knew I wanted to pair the top with white pants to keep the look chic. I added the denim jacket around my waist to give my whole outfit a pop of casual. What’s more casual than denim right? And as usual, my favorite strappy heels.

So there you have today’s post. Can’t wait to re-wear this top and show you guys a different way to style it. I think this might be my favorite top & PRINT for this Summer. Now I need to get a pair of shoes with this print. I already have the one’s I want in mind, just need to find my size *sigh*. Anyway, Happy Mother’s Day to all my fashionista mami’s. Thank you for stopping by blog ladies. I’m so appreciative of the support. THANK YOU!


Photo Credit: Edward Barrera