Monday, February 17, 2014

Peter Pan Peplum

Hi ladies!!! I’m back and this post comes with a story…don’t they all? Now, this story isn’t Disney’s Peter Pan but, there is a peter-pan! A few months ago, I was attending mass with my family when a lady came up to me and asked if I knew how to read in Spanish. I said yes and of course, she asked me if I would like to volunteer to read to the children, while they’re parents listened to the Gospel in church. Long story short, a few weeks later, a different lady heard me reading to the kids and asked if I wanted to volunteer to start reading during an actual mass. In other words, inside the church, in front of 100+ people and on a microphone. I was nervous and scared to say yes but something inside me wanted to do it so badly. I felt like it was a calling from God to strengthen my faith. After weeks of practice and bible study meetings, yesterday was finally the big day and I needed something to wear! Say hello to my latest fashion post, Peter Pan Peplum.

         -Peter-Pan Peplum top found at Ross
         -Harem slacks from Steve Madden
         -Heels from Go Jane

When it comes to fashion in church, I do my best to dress respectfully of others and more importantly God. Now, this doesn’t meant that I become or try to pretend to be something I’m not because everything I wear, I do so with confidence and because I like it. My style is very eclectic. Universal. I don’t always stick to a certain look. I like to go from chic, to street, to sexy and feminine. It’s so much fun for me to experiment with new things and even better when I like it.

For yesterday’s look, since I would be reading in front of an audience in the altar, I wanted to make sure my outfit was conservative without loosing femininity. I didn’t want to go out and buy an outfit. So I browsed my closet and came across this peplum top. I think I’ve worn this top once in my life and I thought it was the perfect excuse to bring it out and style it. For this day, I knew I wanted to wear slacks and so I chose to re-wear my only and favorite black slacks from Steve Madden. These are ridiculously comfortable and they’re a go-to staple piece when I don’t know what to wear but I don’t feel like looking so under-dressed. I purposely chose the two to pair together because I wanted to give the illusion that it was a peplum jumpsuit. Hit or miss? I think I nailed it.

To finish off the look, I went with classic ivory single sole heels. They were perfect to compliment the belt around my waist and of course the peter-pan collar on my top. I loved it. I felt so lady-like and chic in this outfit. I only accessorized with a belt and of course a cross-gold bracelet that my co-worker gifted me on my birthday last year. I did add a blazer to polish the look even more but I forgot to capture it in pictures because it was a tad bit hot outside. (Sorry!)

So there you have it my darlings. Hopefully this post help demonstrate that just because you’re going to church you don’t have to under-dress or even dress in something you don’t like. You can still look FAB and fashionable! …and if you’re wondering how I did with my reading…IT WAS GREAT! I received a lot of positive feedback after mass and I’m really, REALLY happy! Definitely can’t wait to do it again! Night night loves! See ya’ll on Wednesday’s Outfit Adventure!


 Photo Credit: Edward Barrera

Sunday, February 16, 2014

"Overall"...Be Mine ♥

…And just like that, Valentines Day 2014 flew right before our eyes. Hope you all had a very BEAUTIFUL Valentines Day. Whether you spent it with your family, your girls, your children or that special someone in your life…I hope it was one where loving memories where made :) Today I bring you a late post. This was the outfit I chose to wear the day I stopped by my boyfriend’s house to surprise him and ask him to be my Valentine. Which by the way, he said, “YES!” *raises hands in the air*

        -Denim Overalls gift from a Friend (Thanks Delia )
        -Lace top from Fashion Street LA (Coming Soon)
        -Heels from Go Jane

For this outfit of the day, I was inspired by one of my co-workers whom I have learned an incredible amount of mixing & matching (Thanks Sunny!) She actually was the one who influenced this outfit of the day when I saw her dressing one of our mannequins a few weeks ago. Thanks to her, this turned out to be the perfect casual-romantic look for a day out. This lace top is soooo BEAUTIFUL! It embraces romance in every way. The turtle neck details and exposed back is absolutely sexy without being so provocative.

Growing up I remember having a pair of ‘Tweety Bird’ overalls and I must say, they were one of my favorite. A few months back, a coworker & friend told me she wanted to give me a pair of overalls that no longer fit her and she thought they would be perfect for me to own. When she gave them to me, I totally fell in love. I know the “oversize” trend is in right now, even in overalls but I actually liked these a lot because they were fitted. The tight fit was great for a polished casual look.

So there you have the latest look. For all you ladies who are afraid to try new things and experiment with different styles/trends…DON’T BE! Trying new things, missing and failing are the keys to success in anything you do in life. Sometimes you need to try, try and TRY to find your niche, even in fashion. So, NEVER be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.


Photo Credit: Edward Barrera

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

V-Day D.I.Y: "Be Mine."

Three years ago, I started a Valentines Day tradition for my boyfriend which was, “How to ask him out to be my Valentine.” Clearly, my boyfriend is…well… my BOYFRIEND!! It’s dead obvious that he would AND will be my valentine but those of you who know me, know that I am an utter sucker for romance. Therefore I started thinking of romantic ideas to ask him, surprise him and more importantly show him how special he is to me. Now, now! I know many of you girls are thinking…”Girrrrl! He should be doing the romance, the buttering up & surprising!” Although I must admit that I do melt over a surprise gift of roses and chocolates, I also enjoy catering to my man with romance. I personally know how good it feels to be surprised and well, I wanted him to feel the exact same way. Besides, it feels so good to see him smile and even hear his happy voice. Let’s not forget the Thank you kisses! Yum! Making him happy is my own guilty pleasure. It’s definitely the big ol’ L-O-V-E taking a toll. So without further ado, I leave you ladies with this year’s last minute ideas to surprise your very own honey.

Here’s what you’ll need to re-create TWO simple but thoughtful & loving ideas that your special someone will not resist

By far, my favorite surprise to date!!! He absolutely loved everything. I must say, for the past 3 years, my surprises have gotten better for him and honestly, I already have next year’s idea planned out! CAN’T WAIT!

The first idea is very simple. You will need rose petals, real or fake. I was actually on my way to a flower shop to purchase rose petals when I decided to first make a stop at my local Rite Aid to purchase the Hershey’s kisses. Which, thank goodness I did because there I came across boxes of artificial rose petals. Each box was $3 and contained 80 petals. Personally, I thought it was better because they’re totally reusable and would make great decor later on. Not only that, the rose petals were also scented! I thought that was pretty neat.

This idea is for the girl who wants to surprise her hubby, boyfriend or special someone, while he is at school, work, at the gym or running an errand. I used this idea a long time ago on my boyfriend while he was at work. However, I just did it as a “Thinking of You” gesture. I spelled out with the Hersheys kisses “I LOVE YOU” and put a little side note on his windshield that read, “Just stopped by to drop off some Kisses!” Get it? ;) However, for the sake of Valentines Day, you can spell out “Be Mine” with rose petals and then decorate with chocolate Hershey’s kisses to represent real “kisses” on your behalf. Cute, no?! It’s as easy as that. Inexpensive, thoughtful and ROMANTIC! HE WILL LOVE IT!

Now for my second and final idea, which I actually did this year, I decided to make a quick drop off at my boyfriends house. In the past I’ve done a puzzle for him to put together, I’ve mailed him a whole postal set asking him to be mine and last year, I even asked him to be mine through a fortune cookie. There’s no doubt that my boyfriend was expecting to be surprised this year. I wanted to do something bold and hopefully catch him off guard. I even went so far as to tell him that I wasn’t planning a single thing this year because I didn’t have time or money. Mind you, V-day was just a week away. Little did he know that all that gibberish was part of the plan to distract him.

For this year’s “Be Mine” idea, I purchased 14 balloons to represent February 14, Valentines Day (duh!) but you can totally do less or even more. Anyway, days before I had pre-ordered 14 of my favorite pictures of us as a couple at my local Rite Aid. Those pictures would then be attached at the bottom strings of those 14 balloons. Don’t worry my dears, most local pharmacy’s have a 1-hour ready photo pick-up for you to make this a last minute surprise. Moving on…Initially I wanted to surprise my boyfriend outside his house…BUT!!! To my surprise, he was out working. Which turned out to be better for me because I was able to surprise him in his room. So on his bed I spelled out “Be Mine?” and used the left over petals to decorate his bed. I added Hershey’s kisses to represent kisses. Voila! A very easy, affordable and ROMANTICAL Valentine’s Day surprise! You’ll have his heart melting and saying YES in no time :)

Below I leave you with the surprises of the past 3 years… A puzzle, a package in the mail and last but not least, a custom order of a GIANT fortune cookie with a GIANT fortune note found HERE  :)

So there you have it my lovies! Hopefully you feel inspired to do something for your special someone. Remember: CHIVALRY ISN’T DEAD and you don’t need a lot of money, or any for that matter to make LOVE come alive!!!! Girls can do anything boys can do and we most certainly CAN do romance. Once in awhile, it’s fun to turn the tables and show them how amazing it feels to be loved and be surprised! Happy Planning!


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sexy Singles

Whoever believes Valentines Day is strictly for couples & are 100% wrong! This fashion post goes out to all the sexy single ladies who think that they can’t celebrate V-day because they don’t have that special someone. Girrrrrl! I’m talking to YOU!!! After you read this post, get ready for a night-out in your city to simply celebrate LOVE. Call up your girlfriends, slip into a little black single piece, throw on some killer heels, glam up and get ready to dance the night away! 

        Make Me Chic Jumpsuit found HERE
        Go Jane heels found HERE
        Ross Clutch inspired by the Valentino ‘Rockstud’ found HERE

You know how they say that the “L.B.D.” never fails. Well, guess what?! BLACK never fails. Plain & simple. For this look, I went with this black jumpsuit because it’s basic, easy to style and it has the perfect amount of sex appeal for a night out! I LOVE IT. It’s ideal for a club or even a romantic evening with your love. From the deep V cut to the halter open back, I promise you, this ensemble is a neck breaker! It’s the perfect single piece you need to feel sexy.

If you follow my blog, you know that I’m very minimal when it comes to accessories. This look pretty much proves that. My main focus for this look when it comes to my accessories is the coveted “Dust Rose” color that I’ve been obsessing over this winter. It’s such a pretty color. It totally helps bring out class and femininity in this outfit. Besides, if you do get inspired to wear something like this to the club, you really don’t want to feel like you’re carrying 20 million pounds of things. Killer shoes and a studded clutch to compliment each other is enough to make a statement. I threw on a few studded bracelets just to add edge and compliment the studs on the clutch. 

[P.S. For those ladies who like jewelry, a thin gold body chain would look super HOT!!!] 

There you have look #3 of my Valentines Day Special. Even though I am NOT single, I strongly believe that love can be found everywhere and in anyone. Valentines Day isn’t just for couples. Not at all! So ladies, don’t even worry! You can have just as much fun on V-day like anyone else. Go out. Enjoy life! Embrace and get to know yourself better. Don’t rush love. As cliché as it may sound, the best kind of love comes knocking at your door when you least expect it. I am living proof of that because now, I have such a wonderful, loving, funny, smart and amazing guy to love. What’s more ideal as having your best friend become the love of your life? :) So…Stay focus on making memories, working hard, chasing your dreams, enjoying your family and taking every risk/opportunity that may come at your feet for a chance to become a better YOU :)

Until next time girlies!!! I’m going to try to squeeze in one last V-day look before the big day. See you on our next outfit adventure <3


Photo Credit: Edward Barrera