Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blue Jean

Heyyy Dolls!!!!!!!! How’s the weather treating you?! If you’re in Cali, you know what’s up. For the past 3-4 days, us Angelinos have been experiencing a MAJOR heat wave. I’m seriously LOVING it! Summer is OFFICIALLY here in L.A. and I seriously can’t wait to hit the beach, lay by the pool, BBQ’s, tanning and having some Summer fun! For today’s outfit, considering the heat and taking in mind that I would be attending church, I decided to bring out this oOber cute denim dress. I added a belt to compliment my shoes and voila! A very simple look for a Summer day! I can’t wait to re-wear this dress & style it differently. It’s perfect. If I may say so, aside from it looking like the dresses ladies wore back in the 50’s, the sweet-heart front knot and the very small open back detail sold me. Anyway, enjoy this Summer ladies and don’t be afraid to have fun with your fits. Try new trends and rock it in YOUR own personal way. Blessings!!! XO-M

Bubbles Denim Blue Dress.
Lola Shoetique Wedge Sandals.
Bubbles Belt.
F21 hearts-interwined necklace.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Slytherin Sexy

Hey Dolls! Another day with another fit. Hope you guys all had a LOVELY Sunday and an even better night. For today, I decided to wear this comfy yet chic romper to attend mass and later a dinner date-out at Olive Garden with my heart. We didn’t do much but I always love spending time with my boyfriend, since we only get to spend 2 days together a week. Anyway, hope you guys like this very effortless look. BLESSINGS! XO-M

-Bubbles Boutique Romper
-Charlotte Russe Sandals
-Necklace for $1 in L.A. alleys
-Forever 21 wallet

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Keep Calm, Wear Bows

Happy Sunday lovelies!!! Today I woke up early to get a few home chores out of the way and as soon as all that was done, I was able to get started on my favorite part of the day…getting ready! For today, I felt like embracing my femininity and looking dressy. After all, I was going to attend mass at noon and then head out for a sushi/movie date with my beau. Let me briefly say that, if I had to choose a specific style to wear for the rest of my life, it would have to be one that’s very feminine and classy. You know, flared dresses, button up tops with skirts and high waisted dressy shorts. Definitely very “Jackie Kennedy” and “A la Hepburn”. Hence, my inspirations for today…but of course, with a modern twist. Anyway, kept my look very classy but young with this vibrant orangy top. Which by the way, i’m obsessing over thanks to the bows in the back. Paired it with this white skirt with an almost 3D print, if that makes sense. To finish off the look, I added this patent leather belt to compliment my shoes and wore very minimum jewelry in gold to bring out the orange color more. Hope you guys like my look! Simplicity at it’s finest! :) Blessings! XOXO -M

-Bubbles Boutique Top
-Bubbles Boutique Skirt
-Steve Madden Heels
-Forever 21 jewelry