Friday, June 29, 2012

"A calm, peaceful mind & heart are the life & health of the body…BUT envy, jealousy & anger rot the bones." -Proverbs 14:30 ❤

This is the book I talked to you guys in my previous post. Hope you guys enjoy it! You wont regret it, I PROMISE!! Happy Reading! Message me privately or leave me comments about your thoughts on the book. It’s AMAZING! I guarantee a happier and more freeing life :)


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Let Go & Let God :)

I’ve been reading an AMAZING book, in my opinion, and therefore wanted to share the main concept of it. Please take this advice and pick it up as a longtime lifestyle, “Do Yourself A Favor, FORGIVE” ♥ We’ve all been hurt and have had people in our lives where they do us wrong, BUT honestly, what good is it to hold a grudge? To hold hate in our hearts for days, months or even years, when the person who hurt you in the first place has moved on? Nope, there’s no point at all.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Take a walk in my shoes, you just might fall in love with what you see :) ❤