Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Somewhere down the road, you have to find someone who will not only stand beside you for a picture but is also willing to run right behind you through a storm…Through the good and the bad.



Saturday, March 24, 2012

So remember how I told you guys I found this canvas while out shopping a few days ago? Well I bumped into it again yesterday and knew it was a sign. I HAD TO GET IT. So I bought it and it’s sitting in my room waiting to be hung. I’m a hopeless romantic and when I love, I LOVE DEEP. So this frame is my sign of hope that TRUE LOVE EXISTS. It’s out there somewhere guys…NEVER GIVE UP ON LOVE BECAUSE LOVE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIFT GOD COULD EVER GIVE YOU!!!

LOVE is… 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Found this canvas at Ross last night…makes me think of the love of my life :) This is definitely going to be US one day when we’re in Italy <3

Friday, March 16, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Meet my HANDSOME puppy Prince
I’m NOT kidding when I say this, but when I first laid eyes on this dog at a dollar store, it was LOVE at first sight. I knew this had to be my first dog. From day one, he has been the biggest BLESSING because he always knows how to make me smile. It’s true when they say that a dog is man’s best friend. I can be gone for hours and leave him all alone at home, but as soon as he see’s me walk through that door, he greets me like I was the queen of the world. All I ever receive from him is LOVE, unconditional love. Everyday I tell him that he’s my little man and the only man who will never break my heart :) Then he licks me as if he was telling me that I was right lol YESS…I’M ONE OF THOSE THAT TALKS TO HER DOG!!!


Sick BIG Kids running shoes. The colorway seems to be 80’s inspired and I am IN LOVE with it!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

With this man, I’ve learned that TRUE LOVE is patient. It is not easily angered and keeps no record of the wrongs. My love for him will NEVER fail because it bears all things, hopes all things and ENDURES all things. He knows my love for him is UNCONDITIONAL

Sunday, March 11, 2012

my SOLEmate

CakeCakeCake ;)


He’s my SOLEmate


Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I am an HONEST WOMAN and because of that, I FEAR NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! If I fall seven times, you know what I do? I STAND UP EIGHT. God is with me. He will never forsake me…or anyone.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Everybody, meet the REAL stairMASTER!!!!! You do this once and you will feel the heavy breathing kicking in. You do this x10 and you will be yelling out “BURN BABY, BURN!” haha

Seriously guys, not even a gym membership could ever give you the satisfaction and BEAUTY of using nature’s resource’s to get back in shape. This is coming from a girl who use to hit the gym everyday and grew bored of it. That’s just my opinion.


Let's talk...Hypocrisy

In this world, we have all been “hypocrites” at one point in our lives. We’ve talked shit and later contradicted our own words with actions. That’s life and the beauty of it all, is the FREEWILL we have to make choices TO CHANGE. We can change who we are, what we don’t like, make or at least try, to make amends for mistakes and start anew. So maybe we’re not hypocritical after all. Maybe we just learn to grow up and realize what is worth fighting for, what is worth our time. We just learn to do the right thing.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Space Jams: The laws of gravity undefined?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Js are my newly found hobby but at the end of the day, I will ALWAYS be a girly fashionista lover!!!