Thursday, November 24, 2011

Be Thankful

On this day…Be glad that your life has been full and complete. Be glad that you’ve tasted the bitter and the sweet. Be glad that you’ve walked in sunshine and rain. Be glad that you’ve felt both pleasure and pain. Be glad for the comfort that you’ve found in prayer, family, friendships, and acquaintances. Everyone and everything in your life is meant to be there to serve a purpose. Be glad & truly be thankful, even for the little things because someone out there is less fortunate than you. But most importantly, BE GLAD FOR GOD’s BLESSINGS, HIS LOVE AND HIS CARE. Happy Thanksgiving ♥

XOXO, MariaLA :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My little Angel fast asleep…i love him <3 My puppy Prince :) Sweet Dreams everyone

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Life doesn't come with Instructions

I’ve been called the “virgin mary”, other days the “religious one” and sometimes even the “goodie two-shoes”…but truth is, I make mistakes too. I’ve lied, I’ve disrespected my parents, I’ve lost my patience, i’ve stolen, I’ve yelled & cursed, I’ve hurt someone, I’ve made mistakes, I’ve done things without thinking and I even have regrets. Yes, it’s true. However, after all the stupidity, I’ve never tried to reach perfection because I’m human. I’m bound to fall. The key to all my low points has been GETTING BACK UP. Every little bad thing in my life, I overcame it, grew from it and learned from it. I don’t strive to be perfect, just a BETTER person than the day before. What I’m trying to say is this: even the most “innocent” looking person is allowed to make mistakes because life doesn’t come with instructions. I have to admit that in the end, some of my greatest pains have been my greatest strengths. Only God knows I speak the truth…So today, give yourself a break. It’s okay to make mistakes! Learn from it & do good. I pinky promise you will see a brighter day :) Happy Sunday <3


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jealousy = NO TIME TO LOVE

Demonstrating jealousy will get you NOWHERE! I see it time and time again with friends vs. friends and family vs. family…what’s the use? Everyone will always have something better than the other, but you must also remember that everyone lacks something in life. Sure, you might not be driving your best friends brand new Lexus but your best friend could easily not have the love & support of a family that you happen to have. BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE. Be genuinely happy for others happiness, for that will only bring happiness & blessings into your life ++++++ 

Monday, November 14, 2011

My boyfriend was able to get hook-ups to an early release…just in time to give it to me on my actual birthday :))))) I’m gonna be honest guys, I am really NOT materialistic and to me, it’s the little things that matter. Last night he cooked dinner for me, for the first time ever and I can honestly say I fell in love with him all over again. HOWEVER, just the fact that my boyfriend goes that extra mile to do something sweet for me as to buying me shoes…I have to say that I’m blessed to even own one pair of shoes. He showers me with so much and God knows I am truly thankful for every extra mile my boyfriend takes just to put a smile to my face. I AM THE MOST BLESSED GIRL IN THE WORLD!!!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dear God, as I begin this day, my thoughts turn to you, and I ask for your help and guidance in everything I say and do. Give me the PATIENCE that I need to keep my peace of mind and with lifes’ cares, I hope, dear God some HAPPINESS to find. Let me live, but for today NOT worrying whats ahead for I have TRUST that you will see I get my daily bread. GIVE me the COURAGE to face life’s trials and not from troubles run and let me keep this thought in mind “Thy will, not mine, be done.” And if some wish I do not get, though I have prayed to thee, please help me to believe and understand you know whats best for me. I’ve failed you many times, I know, but tonight when I rest I hope that I can say, “Dear God, I’ve tried my best.” ♥

Lil’ Wayne :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

180: Changing Lives

If you recall, a few weeks ago I posted up a Pro-Life video that sent out a POWERFUL MESSAGE. A few days later I posted up a different video on Facebook also on why we should be Pro-Life. Basically both videos are a call to CELEBRATE LIFE. Well, guess what, it PAID OFF!!! This morning I woke up to WONDERFUL news through a message sent to me via Facebook. The message said the following:

"Hey Maria (: I wanna thank you for posting the video ‘The Miracle of Life’. My mom’s friend messaged me on Wednesday saying her client was going to get an abortion, & she text me for help. I sent her the link to the 180 movie & the link to the miracle of life & today as you can see in my latest status… A life was saved!!!! (: And in a way you were a huge part of it without even knowing it :D♥ THANK YOU."

I don’t know about you guys but that was AMAZING to hear…GOD IS GOOD! Anyway, if you want to watch the videos, click on the links below…HAPPY FRIDAY TUMBLRS :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Be Honest…BE FAITHFUL! Send out good Karma Always!

Do you understand the meaning of the word FAITHFUL? If not, then you probably shouldn’t be in a relationship. You’ve been hurt. You’ve felt pain caused by the one you loved most. Then why are you making the same mistake your previous partner made on you? Why would you want to hurt someone who truly loves you & would do anything for you? They say hate is such a strong word. Well, LOVE is just as strong…maybe even STRONGER & still it gets thrown around like trash. Instead, you should pick it up and nurture it because once you find TRUE LOVE you find happiness. DON’T WASTE IT FOR A MOMENT OF PLEASURE & LOOSE IT FOR A LIFETIME OF REGRET. Once a cheater ISN’T always a cheater…and only you can change that!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Love is...

Love is not BOUGHT. Love is not BRIBED. Love is a feeling that is planted like a tiny seed. This seed needs to be nurtured and taken care of with honest and real emotions. It must be watered with tender, love and care in order to make it blossom. To keep love alive, it must be kept warm with happy rays of sunshine because when skies are gray, those rays must always find away to shine through any difficulty or struggle. If you can love through it all, you will find happiness. Love is happiness. Happiness is love. If you feel like you need a boyfriend or girlfriend to love, think again. Love begins with God, your family and yourself. Once you find love in them, you will find true love in someone else because you have learned to appreciate what you need and not what you want, what you deserve and not what you desire. Remember: You don’t need to be a celebrity or be the richest to have a happy life because sometimes, the high elite are the ones who lack the most love in this world.

Love for the "Small Things"

Today more than ever, the Lord has made me realize what I truly LOVE and VALUE. WHAT MATTERS IN THIS WORLD. Seriously, nothing beats spending quality time with good people who aren't just good company, but are also people whom you can count on for the rest of your life. Nothing could ever beat quality time with those you love...FAMILY and FRIENDS. Which brings me to the latest gossip that's in the mouths of everyone as of this morning. Today, Kim Kardashian's filed divorce was publicly announced just 72 days after wedding basketball player Kris Humphries. Before I continue on the topic, this blog is NOT to criticize their marriage because I'm a mere spectator of what the media puts on blast. However, as a spectator, I am able to make my own conclusions to these "breaking news". Honestly, when everyone thinks of Kim Kardashian, girls see nothing but a beautiful woman that they would like to be. Most women who are fans of her would give anything to walk in her shoes. When it comes to men, most of them would give anything to have a woman like her by their side. With all due respect, the woman is unbelievably GORGEOUS. Her beauty can NOT be hidden or denied. The only issue is that, individually, men and women dream of their life like a Kardashian or to know one, forgetting they are special in their own given way. Today's news was an eyeopening event that only made me realize that having the hottest body, millions of dollars or even a prestigious name could NEVER, EVER BUY YOU TRUE LOVE. Love is not BOUGHT. Love is not BRIBED. Love is a feeling that is planted like a tiny seed. This seed needs to be nurtured and taken care of with honest and real emotions. It must be watered with tender, love and care in order to make it blossom. To keep love alive, it must be kept warm with happy rays of sunshine because when skies are gray, those rays must always find away to shine through any difficulty or struggle. If you can love through it all, you will find happiness. Love is happiness. Happiness is love. If you feel like you need a boyfriend or girlfriend to love, think again. Love begins with God, your family and yourself. Once you find love in them, you will find true love in someone else because you have learned to appreciate what you need and not what you want, what you deserbe and not what you desire. Remember: You don't need to be a celebrity or be the richest to have a happy life because sometimes, the high elite are the ones who lack the most love in this world.