Halloweenie this year caught me so unprepared. I totally improvised with my wardrobe this year and was a “school girl” for a party on Saturday. However, costume or not, I definitely went ‘Trick-or-Treating’ with my boyfriend tonight. We took my little sister & his little sister around the neighborhood to fill up their Jack-o’-lanterns. Boyyy did those girls get scrumplicious candy! Definitely called DIBS on a few myself. Anyway, just in honor of the festivities, I leave you with a picture of my costume last year…My Mexican version of a sailor ;) Happy Halloweenie Everyone! Give thanks to a safe & yummy night.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
I couldn’t help myself! My dog always stops to eye other dogs..he’s soo cuute!!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I’M SUCH A SPOILED & WEALTHY PRINCESS THAT I MUST SHOW OFF. I have a place to call my home, good health, a dysfunctional but amazing family, real friends who are there for me through the good AND the bad, a phenomenal boyfriend to share my love with to infinity & beyond, a cuddly dog to greet me everyday, two arms to give complete hugs, a mouth to spread positive thoughts, eyes to admire beautiful people, legs to run, food to suffice my cravings, clothes on my back, shoes on my feet, struggles to learn from, a heart to live, and thee GREATEST FATHER IN THE WORLD whom has blessed me with these things & more…GOD!! +++ <3 The blessings are ENDLESS. THANK YOU LORD!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
The Beauty in You
We’ve had INCREDIBLE UPS & one full episode of terrible downs. NOW that we’ve surpassed the bad, we’re walking at the same pace, hand in hand, in ONE LOVE for as long as God will allow :)
The Beauty in You
I don’t own Lima’s eyes, Kardashian’s butt or Hudgens rockin’ obliques. Let alone carry Cs or Ds. Those women are who they are & AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL as can be. BUT that doesn’t mean i don’t carry beauty in me, for I am PERFECT in God’s eyes because He made me. I have love to share & a smile to spare. My beauty is internal AND external. From my shoulders to my hair, from my dark brown eyes, my laughs, my height, my thoughts & my feet and many other things you don’t see. SURE i carry “flaws” within me but those are the features that best complete me. To you I might NOT be a beauty queen but i’m happy as can be. My body isn’t perfect BUT i’ve learned to LOVE WHAT I SEE & i wouldn’t change myself for bully critiques. So everyone, EMBRACE YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU ARE UNIQUE AS CAN BE ♥ :)
Saturday, October 22, 2011
My Love Letter to God
Friday, October 21, 2011
I just finished watching the most INSPIRING 33 minute video I have ever seen in my entire life. This video isn’t meant to JUDGE women who have made a choice in their past that is irreversible now. However, it is meant to touch your heart with COMPASSION. PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! Watch this video. It is EYE OPENING, LIFE CHANGING & HEART CHANGING (to some).
This video (in my eyes) wasn’t created to demoralize or make the Holocaust any less important. I for one am a believer of the unjust act the Jewish people went through in this horrifying event. In my eyes, this video was just to express that, “Killing is Killing” PERIOD. If it’s wrong in Asia, in Africa, in Mexico, in Europe, in the U.S.A., etc, then it SHOULD BE WRONG EVERYWHERE.
*******If you don’t agree with the video, YOUR OPINIONS ARE RESPECTED. Thank you :)
My Love Letter to God
Tonight as I lay in bed, snuggled up in my PJs, drinking out of a warm mug of tea, I can’t help but drop a few tears and feel a strong need to ask God to forgive all my mistakes. He knows I was truly blind at one point in my life. He knows I was a fool for putting Him second. LESSON LEARNED. At the same time, I THANK HIM. I thank God for being the best being I could ever rely on. Only He will forever understand my thoughts, my pains, my tears, my struggles, my efforts, my sacrifices & the immense amount of love I have to offer. THANK YOU LORD. Thank you for the many tears I shed at one point. Thank you for the pain because without that, I would have never completely realize how INCREDIBLE YOU ARE. How LUCKY I am to carry FAITH IN YOU. You are forever irreplaceable in my life. You have done nothing but bless me with GOODNESS, tender, love & care in the times absolutely NO ONE did. THANK YOU FOREVER. You are TRULY MY #1. I LOVE YOU.
Tips to a Good Life
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tips to A Good Life!
We tend to excuse our mistakes with phrases like “IDGAF” or “Fuck it, im young” but when we least expect it, 20 years have gone by & we’re still stuck with the same childlike mentally. Reality is this: We all have one life to live & a certain amount to live it. I invite you to LIVE IT POSITIVELY. Stay away from negativity & do your best to bite your tongue from speaking negatively. You WILL LIVE a BETTER Life :)
Monday, October 17, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Be Honest...BE FAITHFUL! Send out good Karma Always!
Do you understand the meaning of the word FAITHFUL? If not, then you probably shouldn’t be in a relationship. You’ve been hurt. You’ve felt pain caused by the one you loved most. Then why are you making the same mistake your previous partner made on you? Why would you want to hurt someone who truly loves you & would do anything for you? They say hate is such a strong word. Well, LOVE is just as strong…maybe even STRONGER & still it gets thrown around like trash. Instead, you should pick it up and nurture it because once you find TRUE LOVE you find happiness. DON’T WASTE IT FOR A MOMENT OF PLEASURE & LOOSE IT FOR A LIFETIME OF REGRET. Once a cheater ISN’T always a cheater…and only you can change that!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.